World class technology skills

Developers talking

In March 2019, Coursera released the Global Skills Index (GSI) in which 60 countries were ranked and evaluated in technology, data science, and business skills. The results pointed out Argentina as the number one country with the best technical skills in the world. Brazil and Costa Rica scored with competitive tech skills and other Latin American countries were spotted as technology emerging regions such as Perú, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, and México.

When it comes to data science skills in Latin America, both Argentina and Chile prevailed in the region. They were graded as competitive by the Global Skills Index 2019 with huge potential to keep on scaling to cutting-edge real soon.

There’s a simple reason why rock-solid technical skills are so relevant and impactful on your business: hiring the best talent will boost your team’s performance. How is this possible? It’s simple. An instructed team will build high-quality code and deliver incredible results in less time.

In software development, all reliable apps have one thing in common: superb code quality. If you want your app to run smoothly, you’ll need a stellar team to make it work. At Persona HR, we can assemble an amazing team for you with the absolute best talent in the region and the world. Do you have any questions? Get in touch and our team will be happy to help.